To Know Christ, To Love Christ, To be Christ in the World.


Redeemer Choir

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer Choir

Our choir at Redeemer is a group of about 15 people that are dedicated to quality music at our church.   Traditional songs and solos are performed during our 10:30am Sunday Mass each week.

A highlight for our choir is the yearly performance of Evensong.  Evensong is a traditional service that started in the sixteenth century, and includes choral singing of evening prayers, psalms, and canticles sung in a set form.

If you would like to become a part of our choir, please contact the church office.

Choir practice is held:

Twice a Month - Sunday Afternoons from 2:00 - 3:30

and Each Sunday at 9:45am

Our New Organ

Organ Console and Organist
Organ Pipes

New Organ of 2024 - Our new organ reliably and beautifully enhances our liturgies.

In September 2024, the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer installed a new organ manufactured by R.A. Colby Incorporated.  The old organ had served us well, but it was time for a replacement.  The new organ was first used in worship in October 2024, with Tracie Ellerman serving as our Organist..

R.A. Colby Incorporated is a custom organ manufacturer and installer that manufactured and installed  the new organ to Redeemer.  Years of research and on-site consultations have led to our new custom organ at Redeemer.  The installation in 2024 went smoothly, and our new organ sounds GREAT!

Here are some of the features of the New Organ of 2024:

  • Yearly maintenance costs have been significantly decreased
  • Our original organ pipes have been retained and used with the new system
  • Hundreds of new organ settings and sounds have been added
  • Pre-Recorded organ music can be programmed to automatic play
  • Digital pre-sets will be available for each organist, allowing for custom setup for each organist
  • Additional sound projection adds a "Surround Sound" effect for a more realistic experience in the church
  • Tuning of the organ is more precise with temperature and humidity adjustments
  • Repairs are much easier with the new modern components
  • A completely new Organ Console and Keyboards with complete custom labeling
  • Manual magnetic Pistons on the Console
  • Dual magnetic drawknob units
  • Led lighting system for sheet music and all controls
  • All electrical wiring will be up to current building codes

Download The Organ Contract from R.A. Colby Incorporated
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