The Episcopal Church
To Know Christ, To Love Christ, To be Christ in the World.
History of our Stained Glass
The beautiful stained glass in our Sanctuary is a joy to see. Given by church members, they depict different scenes from the ministry of Christ. The Great Commission and Receiving Little Children stained glass was given in 1982, and all of the other stained glass was given in 1984.
In memory of: Dorothy Goodwill White
In memory of: Samuel B. White, Sr.
In memory of: Rodgers S. Wilson
Given by: Dennis & Betty O'Banion
In memory of: Frank F. Stone
In memory of: Frank F. Stone
Given by: Leo & Alice Herrmann
In memory of: Dallas & Della Lomax
In memory of: Lawrence J. Fox
In memory of: Ardis & Leola Marbury
In memory of: Charles H. Davidson, Lenona O. Davidson, and Haughton C. Davidson
In memory of: Charles H. Davidson, Leona O Davidson, and Haughton C. Davidson