To Know Christ, To Love Christ, To be Christ in the World.


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Ministry Organizations and Groups

Here is a list of Organizations that are active at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer.  We would love for you to join as many of these as you can.  Please contact the church office if you have any questions about joining any the these groups.

Prayer Candles

Acolytes. This is a group of youth that carry torches and a processional cross during worship services.

Altar Guild.  Members care for the liturgical vestments and hardware, and they set up and take down for all worship services.

Canterbury.    Ministry of and to students at La Tech University and area colleges. We have an active group of students, designated space for fellowship and study, and Wednesday services, dinner, and activity.  Our Canterbury Association meets every Wednesday evening from September through May at 6:30 at Redeemer. Usually on the first and third Wednesdays of those months we will have a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the church.

Children's Ministries.  Each Sunday there is a weekly children's chapel (during the Liturgy of the Word).  There is also vacation bible school each summer, and other events throughout the year.

Choir.  Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm, and each Sunday at 9:45 am.

Daughters of the King.  An order of women in The Episcopal Church who follow a rule of living, and strive to know Jesus and make him known.  One of their projects is to deliver fresh cookies each month to shut-ins in our parish.

Episcopal Church Women. All women of the church.  They meet monthly and offer fellowship and service projects throughout the year. 

Eucharistic Visitors.   Church members take the eucharist to those who cannot come to church.

Guild of the Christ Child.  The Guild serves to support families with infants and young children.   When a child is baptized, the anniversary of the baptism is celebrated with a special card sent to the child every year until the child is six-years-old.


Men of the Church.  Fellowship and service of the men who meet once a month.  The MOC's (Men Of the Church) conduct an annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper each year in Haskell Hall.  The MOC's also contribute to various projects in the church and the community.


Readers.  The redears read scripture and lead "prayers of the people" during worship services.

Eucharistic Ministers.  They assist with the administration of the sacrament during worship services.

Ushers and Greeters.  They welcome visitors, distribute bulletins, assist with movement to communion during worship services.

Vergers.  The Vergers lead and guide movement in the worship services.

Youth. Redeemer has many young people, and one of their main projects are to conduct a full Youth Worship Service each Spring.  There is usually a Christmas Seasonal play put on by the youth each year.

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