Livestream Options

Worship continues when buildings are closed!

The COVID-19 Pandemic has reached Lincoln Parish and Ruston, Louisiana.  

Churches, schools, theaters, etc., have all closed following the governor's stay-at-home order.  The pandemic has invited us to reconsider what "church" really is and to rediscover that while we love our buildings and grounds, we ourselves are the church of God, the very body of Christ and we can be that even when practicing physical distancing to keep not only ourselves but others safe.  And thanks to modern technology through live streaming, Zoom meetings, and other platforms, we are able to worship together.  

Bishop Jake Owensby has long used social media platforms as a way to exercise his ministry as chief pastor and teacher for the church.  His livestreaming of meditations and services are especially meaningful as we try to make sense of the current challenges. Bishop Jake helps us find God in this "messy world."

Likewise the streaming of services from the National Cathedral are powerful. Through these services offered in one of the most beautiful churches in the world, we are able to worship and to listen to great preachers such as the presiding bishop, the Most Rev'd Michael Curry.  

We are also offering some services on Redeemer's own Facebook page.

Please consider checking one or more of these options for worship out by clicking on the link under the RESOURCES tab. Please note that you do not have to be a Facebook user to join in.  When you are asked to join Facebook, simply click on "not now" and go to the livestream video.

May God bless you and may God continue to bless the Church of the Church of the Redeemer.
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